Center for Academic Integrity Pakistan, PHEC, University of Wollongong Dubai and Riyadh Second Health Cluster organized a webinar on AI

  • 27 Apr 2023
  • PostedIn: PHEC

Center for Academic Integrity Pakistan, Punjab Higher Education Commission, University of Wollongong Dubai, and Riyadh Second Health Cluster organized a webinar on the importance of artificial intelligence and modern educational challenges. In the webinar, participants discussed the modern challenges facing education in the context of artificial intelligence in the educational world.

Prof. Dr. Shahid Munir, Chairperson PHEC, said on the occasion that there is a need for a new mechanism to curb the trend of plagiarism in research and compilation. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have revolutionized our way of life. Now is the right time to tackle the challenges associated with artificial intelligence. An effective strategy is needed to maintain the high quality of education and research. It is the need of the hour to adapt education and research in modern ways in the digital era.