Prof. Dr. Shahid Munir, Chairperson PHEC, attended the training session at Millennium Gloucester Hotel London

  • 08 Feb 2023
  • PostedIn: PHEC

Prof. Dr. Shahid Munir, Chairperson PHEC, attended the training session at Millennium Gloucester Hotel London
Outline themes include:

1.University Strategic Planning & Governance
2.Core Leadership Skills for Senior Academics to enhance their professional growth
3.Role of governing and academic bodies in strengthening University Autonomy, performance and advocacy
4.Enhancing the Internationalization of Universities through a strategy for global engagement
5.Enhancing the student experience and up-scaling Alumni engagement programs
6.Quality Assurance and Enhancement of University programs to bring them at par with International Standards
7.Research for Impact & Development
8.University Industry /Community Linkages
9.Transnational Education